


Exercise is a positive & therapeutic outlet for everyone, it should also be focused with intent. Purposeful activity with an objective in mind leads to sustainable results.

Your performance starts with the correct mindset, your best effort to ensure and induce consistency. We'll start with a face-to-face or virtual meeting to design the best path for your journey. Can't have hard work without some fun! I make sure each plan offers structure, reinforcement, & fun. Specifically and personally for your needs towards your objective. We're here to create a lifestyle that will enhance your overall performance in your daily life, as well as the gym & extracurriculars.


Personal - 1 hour solo session
Buddy - 1 hour shared session with 2-4 people

Virtual Online Training- 1 hour solo or shared, 6 week home programs & video consultation

8, 12, 16 times a month with 3-12 month programs


Health & Function

Comprised of breathing & posture(neurological stimulation), myofascial release(tissue stimulation) & corrective exercise(connected movement).

This program is for those seeking to simply get active and move with improvement on physical limitations and chronic pain.


Increased Fitness & well being

Improved mindset, focus, cognition, self image, metabolism, cardiorespiratory conditioning, neurological strength & coordination, muscular development & enhanced performance.

Ideal for anyone seeking to improve overall fitness level.


Sports Performance

Now that we’ve established our foundation, we can enhance it. Increasing force (strength), velocity(speed), coordination & plyometric explosion to improve competitive performance in any sport.

Perfect for those needing to boost their game on the field, track, court or ring.


Pre-hab and Recovery

Injury reduction and rehabilitation for pre-existing and current injuries.

Neurological stimuli, Soft-tissue therapy, and movement efficiency development to get you living your life again.


Nutrition Consulting

Proper nutrition in our bodies is essential for optimum health & overall wellness. Guidelines on metabolic nutrition are included. Specific & tailored nutrition programs will be assigned as needed to transform your body into an energizing machine.

Need help grocery shopping? Let's set a date and fill your kitchen with nutritious, organic, raw, whole foods.


Home Programs and Specific Meal Plans

Busy Life? Time shortage? Can't exercise consistently? A home program might be for you. Meal plans will also help you achieve the body and health you want when life has you spread thin.

No guess work - food will all be planned out to keep you on track. Available with a Success Session & program design.