

As important as motion and activity are, recovery is essential to your progress. Learning the difference between sedentary rest and active recovery will also help optimize the engagement of your neurological, structural & soft tissue sub-systems. Helping lead you through your journey.

Being aware of sedentary rest, active rest and how it correlates to your daily routine. Nutrition is an important factor to your lifestyle and the consistency for your growth & resilience. To assist this important stage, following guidelines, meal plans, and sticking to your personal goals that we set are not just important, but vital. Remember, conscious choices of intention lead to breaking old habits & building better new ones.


Personal Goals

Once we meet for your Success Session, the next step would be to go over your goals and what you're looking to achieve. I'm here to help motivate & guide you to a higher quality of life. We'll set goals and take the steps to make sure you succeed, i can’t do it without YOU.

Meal Plans 

Ever hear the phrase, "Abs aren't made in the gym; Abs are made in the kitchen"? It's partially true. Exercising alone will only do so much, you won't attain all your goals if you're not taking care of your nutrition simultaneously. 

After your Success Session and going through your Personal Goals, we’ll converse and determine what the best Meal Plans are for you. We'll go over where to shop for your groceries, what kind of groceries are best recommended and how to start planning each meal. It may seem like a lot of work in the beginning, but once you get on the right track with your nutrition, you'll start to feel a lot better, have more energy and you'll be wanting to continue your meal planning. Intention not perfection, splurging or indulging are apart of the program. Let’s just call it “Flexible Dieting”.